The Doubs, located a few kilometres from the Swiss border, is a single pool industrial subcontracting companies specialised in the manufacture of metal, plastic, leather, plastic ... intended for the luxury industry.
In Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, in one of the first industrial French regions, industrial compagnies of the cluster Luxe&Tech relies on the essential contribution of many establishments and laboratories dedicated to luxury problems of the industry.
Open technological platforms for industrial (especially, Morteau platform prototyping), technological innovation Pole of micro-engineering (PMT) complement this single set of actors at the luxury brands.
Luxe&Tech is also very close to institutions such as the CCI of Doubs, ARD Franche-Comté, the DIRECCTE Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. This unique collaboration of actors give advises and support to compagnies serving the luxury industry.